Table Rock Middle School
Aerial view of Table Rock Middle School

Friday's Destination

"Friday Destination" is an engaging activity that brings the students in touch with reality by taking them on a pretend trip. This is the one way a teacher can show how much she really cares for her students.  This short lesson deals with a subject that can help the students reflect on the type of person they want to be or the type of community they want to belong to.  Some of the past topics have been about "Bullies," "Empathy," and "Kindness."  This is a short segment in the day when a teacher can facilitate deeper meanings for young adolescents. It is an easy way to connect values of importance to the students' current life; therefore, those values seem more relevant at the time and the students will be more likely to remember these brief lessons when needed.  Another incentive is that they are rewarded with a "treat" during Friday Destination.  Sometimes it is just a card with a cartoon stating  “hang in there”.   

It was hard to believe that at the beginning of the day on Friday the students would be talking about “Friday Destination” and anticipating their special gift.  We aren't sure which the students wanted more: the treat or to know that their teacher takes the time to do this for them.

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